With the Inter-IIT Cultural Meet being just a few days away, all cult sections are busy practising away. Watch Out dropped by each section of the Cultsoc to get a sneak peek into their practise regime and to find out their expectations from the meet.
Give an insight into your performance and the practise sessions.
The majority of our routine is what we performed in Thomso, along with new impressive additions like ‘Stomping’, in which there is no music and we create our own beats with claps and taps. We have used interesting props which will add sensation to our performance. We have a team of 28 people, each performing 7-8 songs on an average. We started our practices from August-September. Initially sessions lasted 3-4 hours but they now stretch to 9-10 hours or even more.
How do you manage your contingent dynamics and keep your team motivated?
Our team has members from all the years. We all love dancing and revel in it. We live for that moment when we perform on stage and it is very special for us. Talking about the bigger picture, there is no personal benefit from cultural activities but we do it for our respect of the art and our passion constantly drives us.
What do you feel is the difference between the Cult in other IITs and IITR?
I believe that in Roorkee, the junta is more career oriented. If you look at Bombay, Delhi etc they are more zealous and comprehensive. I have been involved in Cult for the past three years now, and I see students drifting away and it is getting weaker. Quality has definitely improved but comprehensiveness and enthusiasm are decreasing.
How does a platform like inter IIT affects the growth of your section?
We always existed as a group and used to perform in Thomso and Jashn but Inter-IIT has pushed us to become performers and work towards improving the levels of our dancing. It has incorporated professionalism with dancing we get a competitive environment and an exhibit of the Culture in our sister IITs which compels us to better and match their levels.
What are your expectations from the competition this year?
As we are the host IIT, we definitely want to win. We are experimenting with new things, pushing our limits and working hard. From our last performance, we have set a benchmark that we have to surpass. We have great competitors. So it’s definitely challenging, a mix of nervousness and enthusiasm.
So out of all the events that are under your section, which one is the most challenging to prepare for?
We have Group Dance, Duet and Street Battle. The group dance is the most challenging one because we have to coordinate between a large no of people and it yields the maximum points.
What support have you received from the institute, for the inter IIT?
The institute has been supportive. They have provided us with the props, good quality costumes, money and everything. We are not restricted from trying new things.
As far as the Choreography and Dance Section is concerned, do you think our institute is infrastructurally and technically equipped to host an inter IIT event?
Well yes, we do lack in infrastructure. Our section performs in the Convocation Hall which has a marble stage. It is not meant for dancing and it is scientifically flawed from the audience point of view as well. The Mac Audi has a smaller stage with less sitting capacity.
Give us some insights into the fun that you guys have in the long practice sessions.
There are a lot of interesting personalities in our group who are fun to be with.The dance room is full of laughter, jokes. When we get tired of our routines we dance off-beat on random songs which is really tough and fun.
So any ending remarks and message for the incoming teams?
Roorkee hosting the Inter-IIT has been instrumental in improving our section’s quality in terms of resources as well as performance. We are excited to see what happens this year. We are working hard and well prepared. We’re really looking forward to seeing our competitors, knowing they’ll come with all guns blazing but yeah Beware!