With the Inter-IIT Cultural Meet being just a few days away, all cult sections are busy practising away. Watch Out dropped by each section of the Cultsoc to get a sneak peek into their practise regime and to find out their expectations from the meet.
What are the events under quizzing section?
There are 6 quizzes- India,Sports,SciTech,Business,MELA and General under our purview.Along with these, members of the section will also be partaking in the Word Games as we don’t have a separate club for the same.
What were your practise sessions like?
Our practises last throughout the semester as quizzing isn’t something you can practise for just one event. We had an increased frequency of regular quizzes on various genres throughout the semester, we also conducted various practise quizzes of other quizzing circles like KQA and K-Circle. Apart from these we travelled to three outstation quizzes to strengthen our preparations for Inter IIT.
How do you compare the quizzes of Inter IIT with other quizzing events on a competitive level?
So this year, the Inter IIT Team has managed to get hold of some of the best quizmasters, who’ve conducted quizzes in Nihilanth, which is the Inter IIT-IIM Quizzing Meet and that has made this years event a great challenge for us. Competitively,Inter IIT is an easier platform than other quizzes we’ve taken part in this year as some of them were open quizzes and had much more experienced quizzers. But from our standings in those quizzes, we’re confident of a good performance this year.
What are your expectations from the incoming teams this year?
Quizzing has always has had a cut throat competition and we don’t expect anything less this year. There is the added pressure of being the host contingent. But we hope to perform well and get at least a stage final presence in most of the quizzes. At this point, it is anybody’s game.
Can you briefly explain what goes in one of your practise quiz?
We have pre decided teams for every genre based on every member’s trong suit and in practise quizzes we work on building up team dynamics amongst us. Working out an answer as a team is crucial for our performance. Quizzing isn’t just about remembering a set of random trivia, it’s that and much more.
How does an Inter IIT platform impact your section?
The Inter IIT is a great reality check platform for us. The high level of competition and exposure help us pinpoint exactly on the areas we are lacking in and problems we need to iron out. It also helps immensely in our preparation for Nihilanth, which takes place in January every year.
Were the venues sufficient for the number of practice quizzes you conducted?
So this year we faced a slight difficulty with regards to booking of venues.Last year the process was smooth. But this year we had problems as the venues weren’t booked for us on time and we had to cancel or reschedule our quizzes at the very last minute. This affected our practises but then we took over the Ravindra Bhawan common room and conducted all our quizzes informally there without booking other venues.
Ending Remarks.
We’re ready with all guns blazing and confident of a good performance this year.