College is a tough and transformative phase of life. You are forced to grow up and chart out your life in a short period with a frightening finality. Often this is accompanied by being in an entirely alien environment, surrounded by seemingly incompatible people who seem to have some or all parts of their lives figured out. It is no surprise that the college lifestyle makes students prone to physical and mental damage. While society is evolving to be more cognizant of mental issues, it is still hard to find a trusted source of information. Watch Out!, in collaboration with the team of Wellness Center IIT Roorkee, presents this primer on a few common themes about and related to mental illnesses.
This article aims to compile resources on mental illnesses that commonly occur among university students. It includes common symptoms and myths associated with common illnesses. This is meant to be merely a starting point and further information on causes, treatments, risk factors etc. can be obtained from the linked references.
Additionally, this article includes information on how to get help if you or someone you know has a mental illness.
Mental health problems are rare
Mental illnesses are more common than we are led to believe. People of all ages (including children) can develop mental illnesses. Due to the stigma associated with these illnesses, we do not hear much about them and those suffering from them often do not get professional help.
People with mental illnesses are likely to be violent and unpredictable
The vast majority of people with mental illnesses are as likely to be violent as someone without a mental illness. In fact, it is more likely that they are victims of violence themselves.
People with mental health problems can get better and many recover completely.
Depression may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities. While sadness may feel all encompassing at times, it is an emotion that everyone experiences from time to time and fades away. In contrast, depression is a disorder that has long-term consequences and can drain the enjoyment and pleasure from activities that were once enjoyable.
Depending on the number and severity of symptoms, a depressive episode can be categorized as mild, moderate or severe. Clinical depression is a serious condition that causes those who suffer from it to withdraw from loved ones, take dangerous risks, start conflicts with others or even exhibit suicidal tendencies. It requires treatment to manage and overcome.
Manic depression or Bipolar Disorder is a similar mental illness that causes extreme mood swings. These highs (mania) and lows (depression) may occur in cycles or even at the same time, producing feelings of sadness and hopelessness while also being agitated and restless.
Depression is only brought on by a traumatic event.
A life event, like the loss of a loved one, triggers feelings of sadness, loneliness and emptiness in everyone. However, those who deal with depression are more likely to experience those feelings for long periods of time and more frequently.
Dealing with depression is a normal part of life.
Those who deal with depression don’t have to fight it alone. You can get help, and we encourage it. It’s possible to manage your depression. Depression is also not a normal part of getting older.
Only women get depressed.
This is an outright lie. All individuals are susceptible to getting depressed. As discussed earlier, the risks faced by a specific individual may depend on a number of factors but there is no inherent distinction of the sort. Such myths serve to invalidate genuine problems and cause unnecessary suffering.
Anxiety is characterized by excessive and persistent fear and worries. Anxiety leads to similar symptoms as stress: insomnia, fatigue, increased irritability, digestive trouble etc. The key difference is that the fear stays even after the stressor is removed. Anxiety may hold you back from doing things you enjoy. In extreme cases, it may even prevent you from performing basic tasks such as entering an elevator, crossing the street, or even leaving your home. If left untreated, the problem will worsen due to the nature of anxiety.
Sometimes, anxiety can be accompanied by panic attacks. Panic attacks involve intense fear that begins suddenly and often with no warning. This may be accompanied by racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea and a fear of death. Most panic attacks last for 10-20 mins. There may or may not be an obvious trigger.
Panic attacks will cause you to faint or lose control
This is unlikely to happen. Fainting occurs due to a drop in blood pressure while during a panic attack it tends to rise.
If you have anxiety you should avoid stressful situations
While outlets from stress can provide some relief, avoiding anxiety tends to reinforce it and make things worse.
Substance abuse is the hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and other drugs, generally for mood-altering purposes. The word “abuse” refers to the consumption of more than that is prescribed. Substance abuse takes the form of a mental illness when an individual becomes highly dependent on these substances upon excessive usage. This can generate a variety of behavioural, psychological and cognitive disorders. Few examples of such substances are cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and a variety of alcohols.
Elaborate rehabilitation procedures have been developed over the years due to the frequent occurrence of substance abuse and challenges associated with overcoming addiction such as withdrawal and co-occurring conditions.
Symptoms and effects include:
Drug addiction is voluntary
Initially, occasional drug use might seem as voluntary and within one’s self-control, but it soon transits into a compulsive habit. This is because, over time, these drugs alter the way the brain functions. Dopamine levels become strongly correlated with the consumption levels of these substances and hence results in the uncontrolled use of drugs for the regular dopamine hit.
Equating drug addiction with loose character
Drugs can affect the brain in complex ways and that too differently in different persons. This often leads to strange behaviour patterns, loss of cognitive and motor abilities, and random mood swings. People suffering from drug addiction are often perceived to be “uncivilised individuals” lacking moral values and thus are often denied help or sympathy. However, such symptoms do not indicate a “character flaw” but a serious mental illness that needs to be treated immediately.
Treatment is super easy: Simply throw away the drugs!
Quitting on such an obsessive and regular habit is not so easy as it seems. Heavy substance abuse is not a form of recreation but a psychological compulsion which is hard to quit without proper rehabilitation, and an elaborate treatment process.
Eating disorders refer to unhealthy eating habits that are a result of mental illnesses. Their causes go deeper than just food and often involve an obsession with body weight, shape and a number of stresses.
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) involves eating large quantities of food regardless of hunger or capacity. Anorexia involves excessive weight loss due to being too conscious of body shape and weight.
Bulimia is a life-threatening eating disorder which includes episodes of bingeing and purging food, involving a feeling of lack of control over one’s eating habits. People eat a lot of food within a short span of time and then resort to unhealthy ways to get rid of the calories. Similar to anorexia nervosa, affected individuals are often too preoccupied with their body shape and weight.
In addition to severe immediate and secondary health issues, eating disorders are often accompanied by temporary relief followed by feelings of shame, guilt and embarrassment. This can worsen existing conditions, cause additional mental illnesses and prevent seeking help and treatment.
People with BED are obese/People with Anorexia Nervosa are skinny
While these statements may often be true, they are not the rule. Eating disorders are mental disorders not physical. Impacts on the physical body are a consequence of the effect of the disorder on the mind.
It is a lifestyle choice
Some diets may be a conscious choice to achieve some objectives such as a certain physique or a level of fitness. However, eating disorders are accompanied by excessive stress and consciousness due to one’s body.
Bulimia nervosa is less serious than anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is equally harmful to an individual. Purging by throwing up, using laxatives or over-exercising causes electrolyte imbalance, and malnourishment of organs like the brain and stomach.
Supporting someone is not an easy task, especially as there may not be outwardly visible physical symptoms. It is important to listen carefully and without judgement when they describe their condition. Do not try to diagnose them or pressurise them for more information. It is important to give them space and respect their privacy.
It would help to learn more about their condition and look for professionals who could help them. It is often easy to forget that a mental illness is not a usual cycle of emotions but a serious problem that is best handled by experts. Learn to identify a crisis - a panic attack, hallucinations, suicidal tendencies - and be prepared for it. Know who their emergency contacts are.
Mental health issues should be treated by qualified professionals.
The Wellness Center provides a number of resources to help the IITR populace. Sessions can be booked through this Google FormGoogle Form and can be conducted online during the pandemic. They are also available 24x7 via YourDost (helpline: +91-951-378-6177)for normal cases and the counsellors for emergencies. For more information on the working of the Wellness Center and mental health in IIT R, please refer to our interview with the counsellors.
The following list of facilities is courtesy of the Wellness Center.
Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS) Dilshad Garden, Delhi-
Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095 Dr.
Indira Gandhi, ESI Hospital Jhilmil, Delhi
DR B R Ambedkar Hospital Rohini, Delhi
ESI Hospital Basai Darapur, Delhi
D.D.U. Hospital Hari Nagar, New Delhi
Bara Hindu Rao Hospital (MCD Hospital) Malka Ganj
ESI, Hospital Rohini, Delhi
Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110049
G.B. Pant Hospital Delhi Gate, New Delhi
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital New Delhi
Lady Harding Medical College New Delhi
Government Psychiatric Hospital- Haryana
Post graduate institute of medical science, Rohtak
Government Psychiatric Hospital- Jharkhand
Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke Road, Ranchi
Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry & Allied Sciences
Private Psychiatric Hospital- Jharkhand
Davis Institute of Neuropsychiatry
Government Psychiatric Hospitals- Maharashtra
Yerwada Mental Hospital, Pune
Regional mental hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Government mental hospital, Thane, Maharashtra.
Government mental hospital, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.
Private hospitals in Maharashtra
Mindcare Hospital for Mental and Sexual Health, Ratnagiri, Pune and Navi Mumbai
Government Psychiatric Hospitals- Karnataka
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore
Dharwad Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Dharwad
Private Medical Colleges & Hospitals- Karnataka
Father Muller Medical College & Mental Health Centre, Kankanady, Mangalore
The Mind Research Foundation, Bangalore
Cadabams Rehabilitation Centre, Bangalore
[Spandana Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (SIMHANS)], Bangalore
[Manasa Hospital, Jayanagar], Bangalore
[Abhaya Hospital, Hosur Road], Bangalore
KMC Hospital, Manipal
K.S Hegde Hospital, Mangalore
Government Psychiatric Hospitals- Kerala
Government Mental Health Center, Oolampara, Trivandrum.[2]
Government Mental health centre - Thrissur
Government Mental health centre - Kuthiravattom, Kozhikode
Government Psychiatric Hospitals- Madhya Pradesh
Mental Hospital, Indore
Mental Hospital, Gwalior
Dr. Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health, Amritsar
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Government Medical College & Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh, India
Tamil Nadu
Athma Hospitals and Research Pvt. Ltd, Trichy
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Schizophrenia research Foundation Chennai (SCARF)
Ahana Hospitals
Institute of Mental health, Chennai
Uttar Pradesh
King George Medical University, Lucknow
Dr Rakesh Kumar Paswan neuropsychiatry centre at Muir Road near Rajapur traffic churaha (dwivedi medical and research centre) Allahabad.
Institute of Mental Health and Hospital, Agra
Mental Hospital, Bareilly
Government Psychiatric Hospitals
State Mental Health Institute, Dehradun
AIIMS- Rishekesh
Himalyan Institute of Medical Sciences, Jolly Grant (private) in Uttarakhand.
West Bengal
State-run Mental Hospitals
Calcutta Pavlov Hospital 18, Gobra Road,
Institute of Psychiatry 7, D.L. Khan Road,
Berhampore Mental Hospital, PO- Berhampur, Dist-Murshidabad
Institute for Mental Care PO+ Dist- Purulia 03252-223435
Toofangunj Mental, Hospital, PO-Toofangunj, Dist-Coochbehar
Mind Care Clinic, Kolkata