I have never been much for vocal expression of my emotions, but I guess that is one of a million things that Roorkee changed about me. And I don’t know if I’ll ever stay in a single town for 4 years with the same people again, so here goes.
To be completely honest, I wasn’t too excited about coming to this place. And the queues on the first day didn’t exactly change the moods. Everything stayed pretty mundane for a better half of the first year. But a lot changed when a squad slowly started gathering. It started with small dine outs and extended to all night Mafia parties. I always kept a lot of space vacant in my room, so that I could seat everyone who said ‘Hi’. And as they took their seats, we turned breakfasts into last meals of our days, after exhausting debates and contemplations on a wide range of subjects. The assortment of conversations I have had, as I vacate this room today, I hope I never have to forget those.
What I came to absolutely love about the place is the people I got to know here. I go even as far as to say that knowing these people is my biggest achievement in college. As a curious little kid who wanted to know everything about everywhere, I sure had a great time with friends, juniors and seniors from all around. And the best part? They all accepted me like I never expected.
The late night projects and squeezing in a couple of quizzes right before the endsems were the kind of adventures I enjoyed embarking on. And none of these memories would be there if every one of us knew all the same things. This pool of knowledge that you surround yourself with, this will be the very best source of learning you’ll get in college.
As I said, I’m not a man of emotions, but I do love metaphors. A lot of us don’t know where we’re heading, snow filled treks with nothing in sight and no clues about the destination. But the walk’s worth it as long as you have familiar places or familiar faces.
To everyone who’s reading this, we’ll be the ghosts of your future, and bearers of your memories. So remember, remember.