After a gap of almost 3 years, the season of vigorous campaigning, manifestos and chapos - is back. ‘Tis the SAC election season.
As this year’s election process began on 3rd June 2022 with the candidates filing the nomination while the votes will be cast on 12th June 2022., it’s important to understand what this hustle-bustle is all about.
The Senate is the main decision-making body of IIT Roorkee. It mainly handles academic, instructional, and research-related affairs. The Senate members are required to meet at least four times in an academic year. Headed by the Director of the institute himself, the Senate consists of many subsidiary bodies.
The SAC - Student Affairs Council - comprises the Students’ senate which consists of:
The electoral college consists of all the students of IITR (except international students and Saharanpur campus students)
This year, the elections are being held for the following posts:
General Secretary (Cultural Affairs)
Roles and responsibilities:
General Secretary (Academic Affairs, UG)
(Only UG students can vote for this position).
Roles and responsibilities:
General Secretary (Academic Affairs, PG)
(Only PG students can vote for this position).
Roles and responsibilities:
Note: All proposals related to academic studies are generally discussed by the GS Academic Affairs UG and PG with the Deans and Student Representatives following which they are sent to all departments for their approval. The proposal is discussed in the DAPC meetings and is then put forth in the Institute Academic Programme Committee (IAPC) meetings. The IAPC deliberates upon the proposal put up by the GS and recommends it to the Senate whose decision is final.
General Secretary (Sports Affairs)
Roles and responsibilities:
General Secretary (Technical Affairs)
Roles and responsibilities:
Note: Though Technical groups under Technical Council may have faculty advisors separately, they only carry advisory powers. The final authority rests with Dean-SRIC. Cognizance, the annual tech fest, is independent of the GS or the Technical council.
General Secretary (Entrepreneurship)
Roles and responsibilities:
General Secretary (Hostel Affairs)
Roles and responsibilities:
Deputy General Secretary Hostel Affairs
Eligibility: CGPA>= 6.5
There shall be 3 elected Deputy General Secretary Hostel Affairs, namely
a) Deputy General Secretary Hostel Affairs (UG Boys) - Only UG boys can vote.
b) Deputy General Secretary Hostel Affairs (PG Boys) - Only PG boys can vote.
c) Deputy General Secretary Hostel Affairs (Girls) - Only girls can vote.
At the end of the tenure of the SAC Executive, all centrally elected members are required to submit reports of the initiatives taken by each one of them during the tenure of SAC. The reports are verified by the DOSW and displayed publicly on the intranet portal of IITR
The Election Commission is in charge of organizing the elections for the councils. Student representatives nominated by the DOSW are also members of the committee which supervises and conducts the elections, scrutinizes nomination forms, declares the list of candidates, arbitrates any dispute arising during the elections, and uploads and makes available the manifestos of the candidates on the intranet portal.
Generally, the SAC elections were held in March-April, but now the elections are all set to happen in the month of June with the voting and campaigning process mostly shifted to the online mode as most of the students are not in campus owing to the summer break. The introduction of three elected posts of Deputy General Secretary Hostel Affairs, especially that for girls can be seen as a new and welcome change.
For more details or contacts refer to iitr.ac.in/election/sac2022